I'm besotted...

Evening all,

The best thing about working in a crafty environment is working with some truly lovely creative people. I think I certainly learn more nattering to my friends and colleagues than watching TV...

My lovely new friend Aimes, *SHOUT OUT* introduced me to a stamping brand very dear to her heart, Clearly Besotted! And i soon learnt how amazing the owner & creator Stephanie is!

I'm besotted, and whenever i get chance to make a cheeky card, i find myself reaching for their stash!

I hope you like my latest make - Patterned papers + Clearly Besotted + Wink of Stella <3

Planning to attack IKEA at the weekend for my dream craft space... wish me [+ my credit card] luck!

N x


  1. <3 <3 <3
    Cheers for the shout out, lovely! ;)

  2. Yay - Aimes is a star! Wish I could work with her too :)
    Love your new blog Natalie - looking forward to seeing your creations!

    1. Thank you Caryn! BTW i meant to say that Glitter Me Silly is the best name ever for a blog! X

  3. She knows her stuff that Aimes :D Welcome to the world of Clearly Besotted LOL. Best of luck with the Ikea trip.

    1. She does indeed! Hopefully some of her creativity will rub off on me! I'll keep you posted about IKEA [and meatballs] X

  4. Love your card Natalie and Stephanie really is an amazing person! x

    1. Thanks Mandy! I'm loving lots of new brands which are helping me change my style organically. X

  5. *Blush* I think you're pretty amazing too Natalie!! And your card is delightful <3 Any jobs going where you are?...what with you and Aimes - it must be a great place to work! x

    1. Thanks Stephanie, i think you should come and work with us! I could do with your organisational skills for my desk!

      We are rather silly though, as you might imagine. <3
