On ya bike!

Hello all!

For anyone who knows me, I don't drive [yet!] so my bicycle has been somewhat of a lifesaver for getting out and about and to work on a daily basis. Cycling through the winter months is pretty tough, so my bike usually gets relegated to the garden in favour of lazy train rides! The last winer took its toll on the old girl, so I was inspired to give her a makeover this summer!

Regrettably, I didn't take many shots of the process given that it was a very spontaneous process! I replaced the chain, the grips, brakes and gave her a lick of paint! Here's a before and after shot of my bike who I have now christened Tango!

I've learnt a lot from the process...

  1. Spiders enjoy making a home in the most usual nooks and crannies.
  2. A £20 budget can go a long way to give a bike a new lease of life.
  3. And most importantly, that spray paint sure can travel... it. got. everywhere. 
I hope you like Tango! Since this picture i purchased a gel seat to guarantee maximum butt comfort!



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